Friday, April 11, 2008

The endorphous phase!

Endocrinology - one of my most favorite topic. Rather, the most famous topic that always comes up during typical "women talk". Any and every mood of a woman is always linked to this very famous branch of study. For the non-physiology guys, it just means - Study of hormones.

Mood swings - man, who doesn't have those? You see any woman behaving a bit aggressively, and pat comes the thought - PMS? Well, PMS will never end as long as women live, and its essential they live so that the process of procreation does not stop!

Well, today is one of those days, when I am just laughing! Why - god knows. I am at my bestest today ;) Whats happening? Well, looks like my Pitutary gland finally noticed that I need a smile too and it has just released some Endorphins. Thank you my dear PG! I know we are inseparable :) I am happy, I make others happy, everyone is why complain?

1 comment:

Pronamika said...

So typical of you dear!! Keep smiling .. you and your PG :)